
Preorder Murasaki Issue One!

Created by Factor Comix

NSFW. A ninja named Alex reluctantly defends Tokyo 2069 from demon Kaiju when her favorite soba shop is caught in the fray.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Smoke Wins
11 months ago – Tue, Oct 24, 2023 at 06:17:23 AM

Look, it was either that or "Smoke 'em if you got 'em."

Survey smoke test sent

What's that mean? It's a way for Backerkit (and me!) to test to see if the surveys are functioning properly by sending them out to a randomized group of backers. Says it's supposed to be 5% of each tier. Anyway, what that means to the rest of us is that the full survey push is just around the corner! So, keep an eye out for it! Whitelist "Backerkit" if you need to.

I'll post another update once the rest of the surveys go out just as an additional heads up! Thank you for your patience!

Weekend Update v2.1
11 months ago – Sat, Oct 14, 2023 at 06:27:07 PM

Yet another update with no art. HAHA, TAKE THAT!

Only 11 dropped backers!

That's pretty great! We went from 31 to 11! Thank you all so much for backing, and those of you who were able to address your payment method problems in time!

If you missed Kickstarter's deadline but you're still interested in picking up the book or addons, a preorder store will be open for a few weeks before fulfillment begins. You can find that here:

Thank you all again!

New World (Pre)Order
11 months ago – Wed, Oct 11, 2023 at 03:41:19 AM

If the joke titles are going downhill this fast I can't wait to see what happens in the campaign updates for the next issue!

26 errored pledges remain.

Please check your email spam folder, messages on Kickstarter, etc, because it might be your payment method that's not working! It may be as simple as replacing the card on file, or you may even need to contact your bank about it! The one week marker is coming up fast, so fix it while you still can! That's three exclamation points in a row! And now four! Crap, five! Aaaaaah!

Preorders are LIVE ... probably.

It's been a three day holiday weekend here in the USA, and so I'm awaiting a response from Backerkit about reviewing all the fulfillment setup, including the preorder store. That said, it SEEMS like it's working? Maybe? Anyway...

If you missed the campaign you can jump over to the preorder store and ... well, preorder things! If you are already a backer, just sit tight until the surveys start going out--you'll have an opportunity to pick up any items you may have wanted but were on the fence about at that time. Surveys should be going out the week of the 23 of October.

That's all for now.

Thank you all again!

Murasaki Has Been Marked Safe From Not Funding
11 months ago – Mon, Oct 09, 2023 at 07:01:00 AM

Look, I don't have a funny title today, but we can still pretend!

What's going on: Book is coming along smoothly, the hamsters are pleased with themselves. I'm thinking I'll share random pages every once in a while as we approach the fulfillment phase. How do you guys feel about that?

There are still 31 errored payments!

Make sure to check your card, email, messages, whatever to see if you're one of the few who are currently experiencing payment problems! I'll send out another message to those backers in a couple of days.


So, the MP3 of Murasaki's theme song has been added to every backer's pledge on Backerkit and will be available to download during fulfillment. That said, here's a quick thank you video featuring the song! Warning: it might be loud!

Holy Crap!
11 months ago – Sat, Oct 07, 2023 at 03:49:16 PM

Thank you!

I don't have an exact tally on the number of times I've used the words "holy crap" during this campaign, but holy crap! Over 16k?! I guess I really will have to record that "Babish" video...

Thank you all SO much! I'm excited to have everything completed, printed, and delivered to all of you! To that end...


At some point in the next two weeks you should receive a survey from Backerkit asking for your shipping address. This is who I will be doing fulfillment through, just so you're aware in case you're wondering why it's not coming from Kickstarter itself. I will make another update here once surveys have been sent, so you can double check your spam and junk folders, just in case.

Shipping charges will also be applied via Backerkit. I will try to keep these as low as I can, but it's mostly out of my ability to control. In addition to the survey, a preorder store will be available for a short time, so you can pick up any addons you may have been on the fence about while the campaign was running.

Shipment of rewards should happen in early December, 2023. I hope everyone receives their packages before the end of the year, but international shipments are a big question mark.

Check your payment method!

There are currently 38 errored payments on the campaign. I have sent a message to these backers, but I wanted to mention it here, as well. I believe Kickstarter will give you one week to get that sorted out, so you have plenty of time. If not, you still have a chance to get things through the preorder store, which will be available ... soonish?


The campaign for issue 1 did so unbelievably well that every physical backer on this Kickstarter campaign will receive the metal trading card for free!

The future...

Look for a Kickstarter campaign for 'Murasaki & the Dragon Kiss #2' in early 2024! Also, look for more updates here until everything on #1 is wrapped... including a dumb soba prep video and probably more pictures of my cat. Hahaha!