
Preorder Murasaki Issue One!

Created by Factor Comix

NSFW. A ninja named Alex reluctantly defends Tokyo 2069 from demon Kaiju when her favorite soba shop is caught in the fray.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

A little girl points, a car almost crashes, and a giant horse is on fire...
11 months ago – Thu, Oct 05, 2023 at 06:48:40 AM

Top Gear? What's that? I'm vaguely referencing it in the title of this update? I don't know what you're talking about...


Interior page. Boom. The hamsters have delivered. Double boom. Thinking maybe future issues of Murasaki should come with cheap sunglasses. Or at least some fine print and a liability waiver alleviating me of fault when everyone who reads the book has it burned into their retinas for all eternity.

Roughly 24 hours remain!

Holy crap! The campaign is slaying! Will it hit 15k?! What will I do if it does?! Let's see ... there's an instrumental theme song for 'Murasaki' that I wrote and recorded, maybe everybody gets a free MP3 of that?! Or maybe I record a "Babish" inspired video preparing a bowl of soba and add it as an update?! MAYBE BOTH?! I guess we'll have to see what happens if we hit that 15k milestone! Go ninja, go ninja, go!

(Un)Official Update
11 months ago – Tue, Oct 03, 2023 at 09:35:58 PM

Hey guys! No real update for tonight, although there will be one tomorrow (Wednesday EST)! Might end up being Thursday ... I'll have to consult the hamsters.

Anyway! Campaign is doing so incredibly well! I can't thank you guys enough! So, I'll let Laguna thank you instead (he's my cat, just so there's no confusion). We've been best buds for ... a very long time. Fourteen years, I want to say? He appreciates all of you so much, even if he doesn't know it. He's one of the reasons I started Factor Comix, conceived 'Murasaki & the Dragon Kiss', and ultimately put together this campaign for the first issue.

I'm not going to make this a sad pet story update because then I'd have to license a Sarah McLachlan song and nobody wants that! Suffice it to say that his prescription diet will be in good hands for some time thanks to all of you awesome people. He also has a little issue with feline audiogenic reflex seizures, which basically means certain repetitive sounds or frequencies can cause him to seize. I've tried a couple of "quiet" keyboards with mixed results, but with some of the extra money generated by this campaign, and the help of my friend Luna, I'm going to experiment with custom mechanical keyboards loaded up with "silent" switches and packed with foam. My hope is that it will work well enough that he'll be able to sit on my lap again while I write the next issue of Murasaki!

Thank you all again! Only a couple more days to go before this wraps! I'm excited, are you excited?!  

It's (well) Over 9,000!
11 months ago – Sat, Sep 30, 2023 at 12:58:09 AM

I fully intended to make the "over 9,000" joke at some point, but holy crap talk about being late to the party! You guys are blowing my mind and I can't thank you all enough!

Okay, okay. Enough sap, right? Right.


10k stretch goal is already unlocked! It's an awesome bowl of naughty soba by artist Sarah Meadows, printed on a metal trading card! And it's free for all physical backers who have pledged $30 or more! You can also find it as an addon for $10 if you want more of them. You know, I bet if you sharpened the corners you could use them as throwing stars. (Please don't actually do this!)

Crap, missed opportunity for a stretch goal? Am I even allowed to have throwing stars as an item?! I doubt it! Hahaha. Anyway, here's the info graphic!

12 months ago – Tue, Sep 26, 2023 at 02:37:06 AM

New Cover! New Tier! New Addons!  

Holy crapsicle!

Wait, What: There is a new $25 tier featuring the secret SPECIAL EDITION cover 'S' by incredible artist Summer Dale! I borrowed her without asking from Bad Bug Media. Shh, don't tell anyone. Scratch that, tell literally everyone! The tier comes with a virgin print of her Murasaki art, as well.

More: The SPECIAL EDITION cover 'S' is also available as an addon for $20, and the virgin print of cover 'S' is available for $10. It will not be available in the "all covers" bundle or the "everything" bundle.

EVEN More: In case you missed it, there are now metal bookmarks available as addons for $10--you get two single-sided bookmarks featuring the art from cover 'E', both the 'Nice' and the 'Lewd' versions.

Now What: The $10k stretch goal announcement is just around the corner, as is the interior art reveal.

First Annoying Update of the Week!
12 months ago – Mon, Sep 25, 2023 at 07:26:30 PM

It's a bit of a stretch...

Yes, I'm hilarious. Shh.

We haven't quite hit the $7,500 stretch goal as I type this, but I thought I'd put the addons up anyway! After talking with the manufacturer it's been decided that the stretch goal addon will be $10 and you'll receive two metal bookmarks featuring the art from Cover E, both the Nice and Lewd versions. So, check 'em out if bookmarks that could also double as a weapon against home invaders is something that interests you!

What's Next: I don't have a graphic for it just yet, but the $10,000 stretch goal will be a metal trading card, and that will be automagically included for free in every physical tier $30 and up once we unlock the goal. You will also be able to find it in the addon section (price TBA). What art will be on the front? Maybe we'll discover that soon!